Friday, March 30, 2012

Best Laid Plans

A teacher's life is all about planning.  Without proper planning not only do you feel unprepared and at a loss for what to talk to your students about each day but it's shown that good planning can decrease student led distractions (ie, your students are better behaved when you are planned!) 

Alas, even the best laid plans occasionally go awry.  This week my co-teacher and I were discussing lesson plans for our FACS class. We introduced Interior Design and we always try to tie in a fun class activity for those kinesthetic learners.  My great idea was to take them down to the parking lot armed with yard sticks and side walk chalk to make a real-life floor plan.   My co-teacher implemented the lesson on Thursday morning with great success. By the time my students came in during 4th period they were keyed up and ready to go outside.  Five minutes after we left the building heat lightening and light rain began. Had I been alone I would have stayed outside.   Being a responsible chaperone of my students I took them inside at the first sign of lightening with a promise that we could go out the next day. 

Friday arrives and with it a beautiful day.  But with 4th period again an isolated thunderstorm.  So much for a great lesson plan.  It's now time to move on to our next topic in order to stay on pace for the end of the year.

One downside to teaching?  I now have to wait until October for the chance to try this lesson plan out again.

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